
Showing posts from September, 2023

Getting A Slice Of The Market : Customer Segmentation Basics

Where are the customers?! So many entrepreneurs have great products, but they can't seem to get buyers. (ARGHHH... The frustration!) When you're running a business, reaching the right audience with a tailored marketing messages is the key to success. However, a one-size-fits-all approach will be a waste of time, effort and eventually end up being financially draining and will drive you mad. That's because, though you might have a product that multiple types of user need- you can't sell to all of them, without your brand developing multiple personalities. The way forward is to group your most likely buyers using customer segmentation, which will help you develop a strategic approach for optimizing your marketing efforts. Entrepreneurs often grapple with the challenge of effectively allocating their limited marketing resources. (Ah yes, the joys of having limited resources and wasting the.) Attempting to target everyone is impractical and costly, so there is obviously

Selling Solutions: How To Create Value Propositions

Let's talk about Value Propositions and why they cause so much confusion for many entrepreneurs. I can already hear some of you sighing... So, have you ever been asked what your value proposition is, only to be told by a know-it-all "That's your product, not your value proposition." and wondered what exactly they want you to say? It's a question that often leaves entrepreneurs scratching their heads, and assuming that value is all about the product they're selling, and it's not technically wrong for you to describe your product or service when answering the question. But here's the thing: your product or service is simply a solution to a problem or need your customers have and as you probably know, there are tons of other businesses offering similar solutions. Value Proposition is about why people will choose to buy from you and not someone else—basically answering the question of how you can stand out, from the rest of the pack. Exploring value pro

The Business Myth of Endless Hard Work

Are you exhausted from running a business? Okay! Okay! I can hear you telling me not to ask a silly question. I know you're probably busy, frazzled and frustrated. Trust me I get it. LOL. If you're on the verge of screaming into the void at least once I day, I can relate to that. So let's talk about why you're exhausted and why it's common. Over the past decade, I've been privileged to encounter countless individuals with incredible talents, skills, and innovative products or services. These entrepreneurs put in backbreaking work, yet they often find themselves struggling to achieve the success they deserve. In this article, we'll explore why talent alone isn't enough for success in the world of business. Completely unfair by the way 😒 The Heavy Toll of Entrepreneurship As an entrepreneur, you make significant sacrifices in various aspects of your life... Social life? What's that? 🤯 You dedicate yourself to your business, often at the expense of yo