
Showing posts from October, 2023

Choosing Good Ideas : A Step-By-Step Guide

 Are you an entrepreneur bursting with tons of business ideas but struggling to decide which of these ideas to work? If you are (and you probably are) , you're not alone! I think one of the definitive symptoms of being an entrepreneur is chronically coming up with more ideas than we can put into practice. (So much pressure, so self-induced....) In this article, we are going to be talking about is about how to making those tough decisions, when it comes to choosing what ideas to work on and which ones to shelve- with a sprinkle of creative thinking. (Because yes, you do have to choose, you cannot pursue everything at once... sadly...) We'll also be diving into the factors that we need to keep in mind when determining, what ideas to focus on and also how to gauge your performance in selecting the best business ideas, and why being a bit creative in your decision-making can make all the difference. The Challenge of Selecting Good Ideas The Entrepreneur's Dilemma: One of Many

12 Myths That Kill Creativity

We can all agree that creativity is a vital ingredient for success in the business world, but as we discussed in last week's article 7 Types of Creativity: Business Creativity Explored, due to old-fashioned beliefs about creativity, not everyone is aware of their own creative talents. Adding to the conflicting and confusing beliefs about creativity are common misconceptions that prevent many people from developing creative ideas and practices. In this article, we are going to be exploring the pervasive myths surrounding creativity and how they affect business owners and their ability to develop business ideas. In a rapidly changing world, it is essential for businesses to be able to adapt and evolve. Creativity is the key to this process. Additionally, the business world is full of challenges, and entrepreneurs need to be able to think outside the box to find solutions. Creativity is again the key to this process. Finally, entrepreneurs need to be able to connect with customers

7 Types of Creativity: Business Creativity Explored

I think we can all agree that entrepreneurship isn't just about crunching numbers and following a rigid process. It's about being a bit of a dreamer, a thinker, and definitely a creator. In this article, we'll dive into how business creativity is at the core of building a business. We'll talk about the 7 types of creativity and how to apply them in a business context and how you can bring more creativity into your business journey. Being Creative As An Entrepreneur is SO EASY... yeah... right Let's face it, being an entrepreneur isn't a walk in the park. Sometimes, we get so caught up in finding solutions that we miss out on taking the time to approach things from a creative perspective. It doesn't help if you haven't quite figured out how creative you are, or if you even doubt you're creative at all. Negative thoughts like "I'm not really a creative person." can be a real downer for our ability to think creatively. But fear not! Everyo